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001451_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Wed Oct 25 20:07:14 1995.msg
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X-Newssoftware: GRn 2.1 Feb 19, 1994
From: jkrutz@meta.burner.com (Jamie Krutz) ()
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
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In article <MSGID_2=3A292=2F603.37_308e7765@fidonet.org> frank@nbre.nfe.be (Frank Aalbers) writes:
> Dave Paige (Dave Paige <davep@access.digex.net>) wrote:
> DP> Why would field rendering reduce your resolution by half, you get the
> DP> same number of horizontal lines per frame, field rendering or not?
> Not true . You get 2 fields . One with the even and one with the
> uneven lines . This changes every 1/60 th of a second . This mean that
> one of the 60 f/s is or an even or uneven field meaning that it only
> uses the evne or uneven lines . That is why one field frame has only
> half of vertical resolution .
One _field_ has only half the vertical resolution, one field rendered
_frame_ has all the vertical resolution but allows more temporal
I'm not sure what you mean when you say a "field frame," because
there's no such animal. A frame always has two fields (even if you
don't field render). That's just the way interlaced television works.
Do you see the same jagginess when watching video tape? TV
cameras shoot individual fields.
The only time you'd have the slightest chance to see additional
jagginess when field rendering would be on fast camera moves
(pans, for example) or fast object moves. But the alternative in those
cases would be less smooth motion if you didn't field render, and
to me that's much more obvious (at 60fps the fact that field
rendering splits vertical resolution into two time chuncks is not a
big problem, IMHO).
of course choppy motion can be a desired effect sometimes, people
seem to like to watch films transferred to video and they're full of
that effect.
If you're seeing jaggies in LightWave when field rendering even
when there isn't really fast motion going on, you might try bumping
up your antialiasing a notch or two.
Maybe someday we'll have progressive scanning HDTV and
we'll all have to find something else to argue about. :^)
jkrutz@meta.burner.com (Jamie Krutz) () sent this message.
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